Pathed Podcast Episode 9 with Eli the Bee Guy

Ukrainian Religious Persecution Influenced Who I Am Today – Eli The Bee Guy: Psalm 23:4

My family ancestors were part of a Ukrainian church called the underground church. It wasn’t the church’s name, but it is how it survived underground. They hid from the police or KGB in the forest or in people’s houses, fearing getting ticketed, arrested, beaten, or killed.

Ilya Barkanov, popularly known as Eli the Bee Guy, is a bee rescuer in Southern California. Every day he removes and relocates bees to local beekeepers. He makes it a goal to educate people on the importance of honeybees. They are responsible for almost 85% of our crops, and taking bees out of the equation takes us out too. 

Eli the Bee Guy moved to the United States at age 4 as a religious refugee. From finding his passion in bee rescuing to meeting the love of his life and marrying her. His Ukrainian ancestors shaped his life today. During this episode of Pathed, he takes off his bee suit and shares how his parent’s upbringing in a country that did not practice religious freedom has influenced his life here in America.

“Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me.” –Psalm 23:4

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