Dr. Sherri Yoder: From Diagnosis to Prevention – Psalm 136:1

In one chapter, it says it 26 times: give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithful love endures forever. And so that is my go-to verse now. So whenever the lies come in about who God is and who he’s not, that’s a verse that I repeat.

Dr. Sherri’s Story

I got my doctorate in clinical psych and did primarily therapy. The majority of it was one-to-one individual therapy, about 30 hours of my week. And I don’t know what made me realize it. There’s nothing profound here to share. One day I was like, “I’m doing what I said I never wanted to do”. I was on the traditional path; then I came to the sign, you know, that’s like, take a sharp… right? God’s path was about to steer me literally off a cliff. I mean, God is not reckless. God is deliberate. 

The Turn

God was revealing to me the uniqueness and the beauty of his creation. He was sharing with me all of these experiences that equip us to be perfectly human as he designed us to be. So as I was experiencing this professional crisis of like, I don’t wanna diagnose people. All of us have problems, right? We get stuck. We can’t thrive. We stagnate. And that’s not the abundant life that God promised for us.

I believe that’s when the enemy attacked me with severe anxiety. It was a fierce enemy that I had to face. And God showed me how to do that through a couple of different things. But a friend of mine said, “I want you to write down all of God’s promises to you”. So I did that, which started me off on the trail of little lies and big truths.

The Path

I had a composition notebook, and on one side, I wrote the lies. I didn’t call them bad or obsessive thoughts. I labeled them what they were, lies. And then, on the right side, I put truths. That’s where I put scripture.

God’s abundant goodness and plan for us. He prepared that path. He prepared me to walk that path. So I wanna offer this to you if you’re going through a horrific, thick experience and you’re leaning on the Lord to get you through it. He’s preparing you and gifting you for what’s next. That is how you grow, flourish, and prosper in even the toughest spaces.

The Good

It was the birthplace of what I do today, sharing the message that it’s possible to grow, and it can be fun to grow. Scripture tells us when troubles come our way—doesn’t say if, but when they do—we can look at them differently. We can shift our perspective and understand that even this can be used for our good.

I know that God is good because I have dedicated myself to knowing who he is and having a relationship with him. You’re gonna find what you look for. So I hope you choose to look for good things.

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